A campaign for fairer funding for Worcestershire’s schools has the backing of MPs from across the county.

The politicians joined forces to plead for more funding for the county’s schools from schools minister Nick Gibb.

Pupils from Bishop Perowne College watched as MPs for Worcester, Mid-Worcestershire, West Worcestershire, the Wyre Forest and Redditch all spoke at a debate on school funding in Worcestershire.

They argued that Worcestershire suffered from low funding because of how the funding formula is worked out and pointed out there were areas of deprivation in the county.

In response, Mr Gibb said that Worcestershire schools would gain an extra £3.8 million from the Government’s pupil premium.

He also promised to look at the reform of the funding formula during the debate at Westminster Hall.

Robin Walker, MP for Worcester, said: “I will not rest until a proper reform of the funding formula has been achieved, but I was very pleased with the ground we gained in this debate.

“It was wonderful to have so many of Worcestershire’s MPs singing from the same hymn sheet and even better to hear a response from a government that actually seems to be listening.

“We must all keep pushing for a fairer deal for our schools.”