THIS car is just one of several to be have been clamped in Worcester in recent weeks for failing to display a valid tax disc.

The DVLA took action against 13 untaxed vehicles in the city in only two days.

The cars had been spotted parked on the side of the road without a valid tax disc.

But a DVLA spokesman said the clamping was “business as usual” rather than part of a specific clampdown on Worcester motorists.

Of the 13 vehicles clamped on Tuesday, January 18, and Wednesday, January 19, six of the owners paid to have them released.

The remaining seven vehicles were impounded. They included this Vauxhall Astra, pictured in Grandstand Road, near Pitchcroft.

Clamping contractor NSL Services Group, surveys the street with automatic number plate recognition (ANPR) cameras alerting them to any out-of-date tax discs.

Once a clamp is fitted an information card and sticker is left on the car alerting the owner.

If the registered owner does not contact the DVLA the car is impounded and a letter is sent out to the registered keeper letting them know what has happened.

To release a vehicle a fee of £100 must be paid.

Failure to produce a valid vehicle licence will mean a surety of £160 for a car or motorcycle, or a surety of up to £700 for other vehicles, must be paid before the vehicle can be released.

The surety payment is forfeited if a valid tax disc is not produced within weeks.

If the vehicle is not released within 24 hours it is impounded and the release fee increases to £200.

There is a daily storage charge of £21 as well as the requirement to produce a valid tax disc or surety payment.

The DVLA spokesman said: “If the necessary fees are not paid, DVLA disposes of the vehicle.

“It is a criminal offence to remove the clamp without paying the release fees.

"A vehicle remains in a clamped state for 24 hours before being impounded.”