A STUDENT from Worcester is raising money for charity by pushing himself to run this year’s London Marathon.

Jack Tomaney, aged 20, of Laugherne Road, St John’s, gained his own place on the marathon and decided to run for Cancer Research UK having been directly affected by cancer as a child.

Mr Tomaney said: “My mother survived breast cancer when I was young, and my grandad recently passed-away from pancreatic cancer so as soon as I found out I was running, my personal link to the illness made the charity an obvious choice to raise money for.

“I’m aiming to raise £1,000 to help them carry on their good work so that more people have a chance of surviving cancer.”

The former Worcester Sixth Form College student was looking for a way to raise the money and decided to apply for the 2011 marathon when he saw record breaker Mike Buss, who ran 100 marathons in 100 days, on the news.

“I initially joked that I could do better,” he said.

“However I think one marathon is enough for me. I love sport but I have never been good at long distance running, so I wanted to challenge myself in a big event.”

The run takes place on Sunday, April 17, and Mr Tomaney, who is studying geography at Swansea University, said that donations of any size would make a difference and be much appreciated.

He added: “It’s a great cause, and if I was able to reach my target, it would make all of the training worth it, especially the 15-mile runs during the big freeze in December when it was about -10C degrees.”

To sponsor him, visit uk.virginmoneygiving.com/JackTomaney.