FRUSTRATED small business owners will be able to meet bank representatives and experts in a bid to get more support and spark economic growth in Worcestershire.

Organised by West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin, the first dedicated surgery for small businesses will be attended by major high street banks as well as representatives from Herefordshire and Worcestershire Chamber of Commerce and other business advisers. The event has been organised by the Conservative backbencher because she has had so many requests from constituents.

Mrs Baldwin said: “I have had a lot of letters from small businesses who are facing difficult challenges as we head towards recovery.

“Some of them are frustrated with their local banks. I am eager to bring the banks together to see how they can help to support our small businesses.”

Mrs Baldwin said the session will also give companies a chance to find out more about a series of policy initiatives unveiled by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills aimed at improving the prospects for small businesses to survive and thrive.

Included is a plan to launch a specialist advice call centre, a dedicated website and a mentoring system.

“The Government has started a number of initiatives to help small business to make the most of the recovery,” said Mrs Baldwin.

“My event will be a chance for companies to meet senior people from the banks to get a clear picture about getting funds for growth.

“I am also hoping that businesses will themselves get the chance to network and meet with specialist business advisers in a low-pressure environment.”

Mrs Baldwin said she is keen to hear from other businesses in her constituency who would like to attend the surgery, which will take place at Malvern Priory Lodge Hall, Avenue Road, Malvern, on Friday, March 11.

For more information, call 01684 585165 or send an e-mail to harriett.baldwin.