STAFF at a leading Worcestershire law firm are putting on their Santa suits this month to raise money for local charity Leukaemia Care.

Law firm Thursfields is joining teams from other firms entering the 5k Santa Love Run on Sunday, February 20, at Worcester Warriors’ Sixways ground.

The event is a result of the re-scheduling of last year’s Santathon, which had to be cancelled due to bad weather.

It was renamed the Santa Love Run to tie in with Valentine’s Day.

Nick O’Hara, managing partner at Thursfields, said: “Everyone in the office is excited about the event. It has been great for team morale and what an enjoyable way of raising funds for such a worthwhile cause.”

To find out more about the Santa Love Run or to register for the event, call the fund-raising team on 0845 521 3456 or visit