AN ambassador for outdoor education in Worcestershire has been awarded a fellowship of the Institute of Outdoor Learning.

Bill Taylor, an adviser for Worcestershire County Council’s outdoor education service, was given the award for his outstanding contribution to outdoor learning.

His is one of only five fellowships to have ever been awarded by the professional body. They recognise those who have demonstrated lifelong commitment, inspirational leadership and indepth professional development at a national level.

Mr Taylor was a keen mountaineer and he also led the first group to kayak around Britain and Ireland as a single expedition. He has paddled on all continents.

He joined Hereford and Worcestershire County Council in 1991.

Colin Weeden, Worcestershire county council’s head of policy and transformation, said: “Over the last 20 years children and young people across the county have benefited from Bill’s enthusiasm and commitment to the value of learning outside the classroom and it is extremely pleasing that his outstanding contribution has now been recognised on a national stage.”

Mr Taylor said he was delighted and honoured to get the award, which he received on Friday, January 28.