ON Saturday, March 5, the Women Reaching Women event takes place at the Guildhall in Worcester between 10.30am and 4pm.

This is a chance to see what the WI has to offer, along with Fairtrade, Traidcraft, Friends of the Earth, Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, Worcestershire Records Office and History Centre, Worcester Breast Care, FOAG, Tree Aid and others.

On March 23, the Worcestershire Federation’s annual council meeting takes place in the Severn Hall at the Three Counties Showground from 10.30am-3.30pm.

The meeting is again being run with sales from Country Markets.

Creative Activities are holding their big craft exhibition and competition, the theme being Proverbs.

TV wildlife presenter and vet Steve Leonard will be the main speaker, along with breast consultant Stephen Thrush, promoting the fundraising needed for the new breast care unit at the Worcestershire Royal Hospital.

The WI is still helping to collect bras for the bra chain record so please bring your old bras (any shape, size or colour) to the public affairs stand.

They will be recycled to raise money towards the breast unit appeal after the chain has been constructed at the beginning of July.

All information can also be obtained from WI House, 01905 641658. For information on your nearest WI, call 01905 641658, email wfwi01@tiscali.co.uk or visit worcswi.moonfruit.com.