THERE was a strong turnout at the February meeting, which opened with a minute’s silence for the two British soldiers who died in the Afghan conflict during November.

The presentation for February was The Siege of Multan, by member Ron Gallivan.

He explained how the greed and avarice of the Governor of Multan was the trigger for the pent up dissatisfaction of the unemployed Sikh Army which exploded into the Second Sikh War.

He went on to show how Herbert Edwardes, a 28-year-old British political officer, rallied the Muslim irregulars of the Sikh Empire in the British cause and slowly but surely bottled the rebels into their fortress at Multan until they were defeated.

All society meetings are held on the first Wednesday of the month.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, March 2, and the presentation will be delivered by member Gerry Taggart and called Operation Freshman.

It covers the first (and unsuccessful) British glider-borne raid on the Norsk Hydro Electric Plant, Norway, in 1942.

The doors will be open at 7pm for a 7.30pm start. The normal £3 door charge will apply. If you wish to join the society, contact Ron Gallivan on 01527 545450 or e-mail for full details.