MAUREEN Matthews wished all members and two visitors a very happy new year at our January meeting.

Christine Williams read out a letter from Mary James, thanking us for the 10 shoe boxes we had filled for her Christmas appeal.

Barbara Rowberry was thanked for being the co-ordinator and has agreed to do so again for 2011.

We have had invitations from Broomhill and Pump House WIs, and names were taken.

Jean Birbeck gave the skittle team the dates for three more matches.

Maureen introduced the speaker David Withey, who spoke about the lighter side of his time in local government.

He was thanked by Christine, and Maureen asked him to judge the competition, A Snow Scene Photograph, and he chose one of the river Severn taken on Christmas Day, which was Christine’s.

Maureen discussed a visit to Broad House Farm in the summer, and members agreed to make further inquiries.

A social skittles evening will be planned for May, and a visit to the Swan in April to see Hello Dolly.

Maureen reminded everyone it’s fish and chips next month and the competition is something being with ‘H’.

We meet on the third Wednesday, 7.30pm at St Mark’s Church Hall, Bath Road. Visitors are welcome.