TWO brothers who broke into a recycling plant to find a vacuum cleaner for their terminally ill father have been charged with theft.

Alexander and Darren Dowie were both charged with theft by finding and going equipped for theft.

Alexander Dowie, of Dent Close, off Wyld’s Lane, Worcester, was also charged with possession of an offensive weapon – a golf ball in a sock. The 33-year-old pleaded guilty to all three charges when he appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court. Liam Finch, prosecuting, said: “This is a very straight-forward matter.

“It involves the recycling tip at Bilford Road.

“Alexander Dowie and his brother were found within the perimeter of that site at about 6pm on Friday, January 21.

“They were there with a torch and rummaging through the scraps. They had picked up a few hoovers. I do not know why Alexander Dowie had the weapon with him, but clearly it is something you would not expect to find.”

Mr Finch went on to explain that Darren Dowie had already been sentenced to a community order and a 10-week curfew for his part in the theft.

Mark Turnball, defending Alexander Dowie, said the brothers had made similar comments to the police when they were arrested – neither could understand how they had committed a crime by picking up other people’s waste.

He said the golf ball in the sock was one of the things which Alexander Dowie had found in the recycling yard, which is owned by Worc-estershire County Council.

“One of the items which the pair had gone in to take was a hoover for their father who is no longer able to use his current hoover,” said Mr Turnball.

Their father, he explained, had terminal throat cancer and Alexander Dowie would be taking over his care shortly on an almost full-time basis.

Magistrates decided to delay sentencing until a full pre-sentence report was completed.

Alexander Dowie will reappear in court on Friday, February 25.

Your Worcester News was the only member of the media to attend this hearing.