A drug addict tried to use a credit card stolen in a Droitwich house burglary five times without success.

Cash machines rejected the card after Jake Harb-ourne tried to use it in Birmingham.

He was identified by CCTV, but arrested a year after the raid – carried out by another man – Worcester Crown Court was told.

Harbourne, aged 27, of High Oak, Pensnett, West Midlands, pleaded guilty to five counts of fraud.

He was given a two-year community order with a condition that he take part in a 12-month drug rehabilitation programme.

Judge Alistair McCreath accepted that he was now free of drugs and said there was a good chance that therapy would work.

The judge said Harbourne was attempting to obtain cash from the bank machines for the burglar. The defendant had a police record and had served jail terms for thefts from vehicles, drugs and ammunition offences. The raid happened on November 20, 2009, in Holly Close.

Harbourne was arrested in September last year when he went to Brierley Hill police station.

Nigel Stelling, defending, said drug rehabilitation, rather than jail, was the best way to prevent further offending.