A NIGHTCLUB worker who found a mobile phone on the floor then took it home and sold it on the internet rather than handing it in to lost property has been sacked.

We previously reported that Conrad Tenney, of Powells Row, St John’s, Worcester, was working at Tramps in Angel Place when he found the Nokia phone on the floor.

Worcester Magistrates Court was told that the 21-year-old was arrested after selling the phone online for £7.95. After pleading guilty Tenney was ordered to complete 100 hours’ unpaid work and pay £30 for the insurance excess.

He was also ordered to pay £50 for the sentimental loss to the victim and £85 in court costs.

Dean Hill, manager of Tramps, said the first he heard of the incident was in your Worcester News and was “livid” the matter had not been reported to him. He said: “When I found out the member of staff in question was sacked.

"We have a very strict policy when it comes to lost property – anyone who steals is out.”