THE support of our readers for the Worcestershire Breast Unit Campaign has been remarkable.

With your help, more than £500,000 has been raised towards the creation of a dedicated unit for breast cancer sufferers in the county.

All sorts of wild and wacky fund-raising is taking place for the campaign – and plans to create a chain of 200,000 bras in Worcester are wilder and wackier than most.

But we urge anyone who can help Karen Tomalin and her band of fund-raisers to break the bra chain world record to do so.

The current record is held by Australia.

With the Ashes secured again, it would be good to take another trophy from the Aussies.

Karen and her bra chain team have so far collected tens of thousands of unwanted bras, including some from celebrities.

Volunteers are busy sewing the bras together but more are needed.

The Breast Unit Campaign will benefit from a drive to encourage people to sponsor each bra in the chain for £1.

But other charities will also benefit.

Donated bras in good condition will be given to Women’s Aid groups and old bras will be recycled for Breast Cancer Research UK.

On July 31 on Pitchcroft, Worcester, the aim is to create a new world record with a bra chain that stretches for more than 100 miles.

It’s a tall order but it can be done with your help.

More details on the world record bid can be found at