THE manager of an antiques shop believes he was the victim of a sting after a valuable china bowl he bought from a group of travellers was stolen the next day.

Rene Cooke, who runs Treasure Trove, St George’s Square, Droitwich, bought a rare Royal Crown Derby old Imari pattern bowl – worth about £2,000 – from a group of travellers last week.

The following day a man and a woman came into his shop and stole it.

Mr Cooke said: “A couple of travellers came in, a man and a woman. The man distracted one of our managers while the woman snatched the bowl and ran out of the shop with it. I tried chasing after them but they got into a silver Vauxhall and drove off.

“Unfortunately, I didn’t get a chance to take down the registration number. The car was parked a bit of a way from the shop, which I thought was a bit suspicious.

“I think it was a set-up because we bought the bowl and a few other pieces from travellers the previous evening. I think it is more than a coincidence that travellers came and took the bowl the next day.”

The 60-year-old said the theft on Saturday, January 29, happened at about 10.15am. The man was in his mid-to-late 30s, about 5ft 8in with a shaven head. The woman was of a slight build and about the same age.

Mr Cooke said there was a child in the car who looked about 10 or 11 years old.

Police are investigating and have urged anyone with information to call them on 0300 3333000 quoting 274/S/290111 Mr Cooke is offering a reward for any information which leads to the recovery of the bowl.