FROM Worcester to Westminster to the West Bank – the city’s MP has flown out on a fact-finding mission about the conflict between Israel and Palestine.

Robin Walker will meet delegations from both sides, including Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, officials from the United Nations, human rights groups and busines people on the four-day trip.

Mr Walker, who was due to touch down on foreign soil in the early hours of this morning, said: “This is something I’ve wanted to do for a very long time. From my perspective there are a lot of people in Worcester who feel strongly about the Gaza, Israel and Palestine issue and it is something I am interested as well, but I have never visited the area myself.”

Mr Walker said the group he was travelling with was neutral so it would be a good way of “seeing both sides of the story”.

At a time of widespread protest first in Tunisia and now Egypt, Mr Walker said the trip had become more relevant as the political future of those countries would play a key role on the prospects for peace in the Middle East.

“I think this trip will be extremely worthwhile,” said Mr Walker.