THE wife of a Worcester lorry driver struck down with swine flu over the new year is “over the moon” after he made a full recovery.

Gary Prodger was transferred back to Worcestershire Royal Hospital on Monday after beating the illness, but is now due to undergo intense physiotherapy sessions after being in bed for six weeks.

After originally being admitted to Worcester, the 41-year-old was transferred to St Thomas’ Hospital, London, after his condition deteriorated rapidly.

His wife Debbie Prodger said she was over the moon with his progress.

She said: “I’d like to thank the doctors and nurses in London and Worcester for saving his life because without their skill and expertise I wouldn’t have a husband here today.

"Gary has said that all he wants when he’s better is to go away somewhere and just have a break.”

Mr Prodger, of Prestbury Close, Blackpole, is already taking a few steps up and down the hospital corridor with the help of a frame and Mrs Prodger said doctors may also take him to the gym to improve his muscle strength.

“He’s still a little weak, but that’s probably because he’s been in bed for the past six weeks,” she said.

“He’s doing well but we’re not sure how long he will stay in hospital.

“He needs lots of intense physiotherapy.”

As previously reported in your Worcester News, Mr Prodger was struck down with swine flu after complaining of feeling achy and unwell on Wednesday, December 15.

A week later he was rushed to Worcestershire Royal Hospital after deteriorating rapidly, before being transferred to St Thomas’ Hospital.

He was being weaned off his life support machines for a few hours a day, until he was considered fit enough to be transferred back to Worcester.

Mrs Prodger said: “I’d like to thank everybody who sent messages of support.

“A special thank you to Gary’s mum, Val, because without each other we wouldn’t have got through this.

“I really want to say a big thank you to my friends Jenny Ford and Lin Hooper for their support, they are very special to me.

“Thanks to friends and colleagues of both of us who did a collection for Gary.

“Thank you to everyone at the Myriad Centre, especially my boss Maggie for giving me the time off.

“And thank you to everyone at the Worcester News and all the readers for their ongoing support.”

• Can you help the couple find their perfect break away once Mr Prodger is out of hospital?

The couple hope to take a break in the UK to celebrate his recovery.

If you think you can offer your services, call Elizabeth Sweetman on 01905 742253 or e-mail