FROM sandwiches to rent, bills of 80p for a two-mile car journey – south Worcestershire’s MPs claimed more than £16,800 in expenses in two months.

A glitch in the Independent Parliament-ary Standards Authority’s (IPSA) system suggested Worcester MP Robin Walker did not claim any expenses in September and October – a period when £3,641,081.09 was paid out in legitimate claims to fellow members.

Mr Walker said while he would like it to be true, he believed he had definitely claimed for mileage and staffing costs during that time, but was not sure how much that totalled.

IPSA said Mr Walker’s claims had not been paid during that period, but are likely to show up on records at a later date.

Meanwhile, the body rejected 154 claims worth £15,352.49, including £12.70 for coffee, tea and biscuits that were submitted by government defence minister Peter Luff.

The leader of the House of Commons Sir George Young criticised the system yesterday and called for urgent reform to make it simpler and more cost effective.

That view was echoed by Prime Minister David Cameron, but claims the system costs £6 million a year to run were rejected by IPSA.

It said the figure was inaccurate as it took in the costs of setting up the organisation. It promised running costs will be less next year.

In south Worcestershire, more than half the total amount known to have been claimed was by Harriett Baldwin – £8,496.79 – which included £5.90 for two sandwiches for her and a staff member bought during a visit to a constituent in a Surrey prison.

The rest of the Conservative backbencher’s claims went on accommodation costs (£1,505.16), food and travel costs for her and her staff (£1,542.45), stationery (£2,320.20), hiring venues for weekly surgeries and rent for her constituency office at Malvern Hills Science Park (£3,128.98).

Mrs Baldwin said: “The annual budget for the constituency office and for advice surgery premises rental is limited to £10,663 and so far I have claimed over £3,000.

“I also have a £10,394 annual budget for stationery, web support, office equipment, furniture, legal services and so on.

"So far I have spent over £4,000 on these items.”

She said she has also claimed more than £5,000 on rent, council tax, heating, electricity and insurance so far, but is allowed to claim up to £10,866 for the year.

Mr Luff, Mid-Worcestershire MP, claimed £2,106.57 and included £386 on travel costs, £47.55 on newspapers and £83.75 for his mobile phone.

Mr Luff said supposedly rejected claims for bills totalling £481.52 have been verified – they were just submitted under the wrong heading.

Wyre Forest MP Mark Garnier claimed £5,800 in rent for his second home and £256 for travel costs, including a two-mile trip from West Midland Safari Park to Margaret Thatcher House in Kidderminster, worth 80p.

The Conservative backbencher said two “rejected” claims worth £110 each were eventually paid to him following a mix-up at IPSA’s office.

The figures

West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin: £8,496.79
Wyre Forest MP Mark Garnier: £6,276.00
Mid-Worcestershire MP Peter Luff: £2,106.57
Worcester MP Robin Walker: Unknown