THE future of one of the county’s beauty spots has been secured with a £30,000 grant.

Worcestershire County Council’s countryside service received a grant from Natural England which will fund maintenance of St Wulstan’s local nature reserve for the next 10 years. The county council is taking over ownership from Malvern Hills District Council.

County councillor Derek Prodger said: “This move is a logical progression. I am delighted that the funding has been secured and that the excellent projects such as grazing and hedge-laying can continue.”

Councillor Phil Grove, leader of Malvern Hills District Council, said: “Since securing public use of the site and making it a local nature reserve, the council has worked hard to enhance St Wulstan’s.

“But we recognised that the county council has particular expertise in countryside management and access to specialist funding.

“That is why this transfer is in the best long-term interests of the site and the local community.”

For more information about the site, visit countryside.