A TEENAGER hurled racist abuse at a married Asian couple who run a garage shop when they refused to hand over cigarettes, then stole cash from their private office.

Thomas Bates, who gave his address as St Paul’s Hostel, Tallow Hill, Worcester, used racially offensive language towards Gita and Praful Patel at the BP garage in Castle Street before stealing £43.

The 18-year-old admitted theft by walk-in and a racially aggravated public order offence when he appeared at Worcester Magistrates Court.

Matt Dodson, prosecuting, said Bates asked for two packets of cigarettes from Mrs Patel on Wednesday, January 19, at about 9.50pm but she did not hand them over until he gave her the money.

Mr Dodson said: “He tried to grab the cigarettes from her and started to shout and argue with her and Mr Patel told the defendant to get out of the store.

“He walked towards the door and as he did so, he used racially offensive language and told them to ‘go home’.

“The police were called and he came back and picked up a magazine off the shelf and made an attempt to leave through the door but it was electronically locked to prevent him from doing so.”

He then made his way into a private office inside the shop, where he stole £43 before leaving by the fire exit, the court was told.

Paul Stanley, defending, said: “He has never been in trouble before and is extremely anxious about being here. He was deeply distressed by what was happening to him.

“He was strip-searched in relation to monies that may have been about his person at the time. He found that rather distressing.

“He says he’s not a racist but he said it when intoxicated. He wishes to apologise to the gentleman and the lady in the garage.

“The reason he left through the fire exit was because the door had been locked.”

He was fined £100 for the theft and £100 for the racially aggravated public order.

He was told to pay compensation of £75 for the distress caused by his racist language, £43 in compensation for the cash, which was never recovered, £85 costs and a £15 victim surcharge.

l Your Worcester News reporter was the only member of the press in court.