ANGRY people claimed they were misled as to where a new £58,000 play area was going to be built.

Two people spoke out at St Peter’s Parish Council meeting about the Civil War-themed playground, which is to be built on an area known locally as Power Park using grants from the Playbuilder Scheme and the Community Leadership for Health Fund.

It was approved unanimously at Worcester City Council’s planning committee last month.

However, some people feel there was not enough consultation with homes which border the site close to Hydrangea Close and Trefoil Drive.

Alison English and Claire Godwin, who both live in Hydrangea Close, said they believed Power Park to be a different area to the one next to their homes.

“I’m not against play areas but I just do not think it was clearly noted where it is,” said Ms English.

Ms Godwin said: “It has been referred to in all reports as land known locally as Power Park. Power Park is down the bottom by the field.

“When I saw the plans I contacted the parish council and said it appeared to be by my house.

“I had quite a harsh response back saying that if I actually look, that is Power Park, that is the whole area.”

They also claimed to have only been properly informed of the plans in December.

However, parish councillors pointed out letters were being sent out to homes in the area last June and there had been numerous articles in the parish magazine.

Ms Godwin and Ms English raised further concerns about the possibility of increased anti-social behaviour in the area.

Ms Godwin said: “Trefoil Park was closed down. It was always covered in glass and I would not let my children go up there on their own.”

Ms English said: “There will be children congregating round there. The noise levels will get ridiculous in the summer.

“I feel a bit disappointed with the way my concerns have been addressed. I feel my concerns have been pushed aside.”

But parish councillors insisted they had taken all concerns seriously and had taken steps to combat any possible anti-social behaviour – including not putting in lights and placing large rocks in areas to stop youths gathering.

However, Trefoil Close resident Mike Hodges said: “I think it is great. One of the reasons we moved to the area was because of the play area, which was closed down. My daughter, who loves climbing, will really enjoy it.”