THIS bunny needs a new home – and he’s not the only one.

Volunteers from an animal charity say they are overrun with rabbits who need loving permanent homes after the number of pets handed in increased before Christmas.

Unlike cats and dogs who can be housed at kennels, rabbits stay with volunteers in foster homes until a new home can be found.

However, there are currently 21 rabbits staying in foster homes in Worcestershire, another seven arriving at the RSPCA today and still more waiting to be taken in.

Belinda Bull, who volunteers as a rabbit foster mum for the RSPCA, has begged people to come forward to give the rabbits homes.

Mrs Bull said: “Rabbits are one of the most given-up pets. Lots are put to sleep or just let loose.

“They are very much seen as a disposable pet, cheap to buy, cheap to look after and then dumped.

“There’s a bit of a backlog but we could take more in if others are rehomed.”

Mrs Bull, of Barbourne Road, Barbourne, Worcester, looks after Twilight for the RSPCA and owns four rabbits of her own.

She has also set up a Twitter account @TheDaisyJournal to try to raise awareness of the plight facing unwanted bunnies in Worcestershire.

She said: “I want to use the Twitter account to keep spreading the message that rescue centres also have rabbits coming in and people can go and get them from there rather than just pet shops.”

Margaret Layland, the RSPCA’s coordinator for small animals, said at the moment people who no longer wanted to look after their rabbits were being asked to keep them until a foster home could be found.

She said: “If not we will just have to double up and keep them in hutches that are smaller than we would like.”

She thanked foster homes for looking after the rabbits.

Anyone who can offer a rabbit a home should call Mrs Layland on 01905 421849.

The RSPCA can also help would-be owners to bond their rabbits with existing pets.