THE remains of 22 bodies removed from a Bromyard graveyard have been reburied.

Civic leaders and archaeologists held a reinterment ceremony at the town’s cemetery.

Staff at Border Archaeology removed the bodies from land beside the disused congregational chapel on Sherford Street.

Herefordshire Council has approved plans to turn the grade-II listed building and its surrounding land into housing and the Leominster archaeology firm was appointed to clear the land.

Bromyard mayor Jamie Jacobsen wanted the remains to stay local and asked Rev Graham Sykes to arrange a ceremony.

“I felt they should really be re-interred in Bromyard as they are part of the town’s history,” said Coun Jacobsen.

BA director Neil Shurety said six bodies were identified as former pastors while the remaining 16 were nameless.

All were buried before the 1930s while around two thirds of the graves were dug into the bedrock.

“We let people know that we were excavating but no one came forward saying they had a relative there,” said Mr Shurety.

“The cemetery fell into disrepair well before the 1930s and we couldn’t identify the others because there are no records.”