THERE was plenty of monkeying around at a Worcester school when they raised money for children in Kenya.

Pupils from Cranham Primary School dressed up on the last day before half term so they could raise funds and forge links with the Victory Primary School in Mombasa, Kenya.

Year two teacher Natalie Rushton will be travelling to the school at the start of July for 15 days, and the school sponsors three of its pupils.

Money raised from children dressing up as African animals will go towards medical supplies, text books and providing food for the pupils. Miss Rushton, who was sponsored to dress up as a gorilla, said: “I will be travelling with ‘The Friends of the Mombasa Children’s’ charity and we will be staying in a small house near the school.

“We really want to raise the profile of what we are trying to achieve in helping the children to learn about other cultures and in supporting the pupils into being responsible and caring people.”

Miss Rushton said she hoped to get support from local businesses.

To help raise money, visit natalie-rushton or for more details on the charity, visit