MUSIC lovers can choose their favourite hymns for the Kidderminster Valentines to perform at a special event later this month.

The choir will be giving a Songs of Praise concert at St Mary's Church in Kidderminster on September 30.

Musical director Pam Cunningham is asking people to vote for their favourite hymns and the eight most popular will be performed on the night, which will also include popular folk songs and tunes from musicals.

Mrs Cunningham said: "All the money raised will go to the church restoration fund."

Anyone wishing to take part can fill in a form available at the Shuttle/Times & News office in Blackwell Street, as well as St Mary's, St Oswald's in Broadwaters and St Barnabas' in Franche and place it in the collection boxes before Wednesday, September 20.

Tickets for the 7.30pm concert are available from Mrs Cunningham on 01562 630914.