Despite the recent vandalism visited upon our village hall, we were still able to hold our meeting there, with lovely flowers from Kate Westcott decorating the officers' table and a positive determination to continue to support the village hall committee in keeping this invaluable facility viable.

The president Dot Waldron introduced our speaker, Wade Muggleton, countryside officer for Worcestershire County Council, who spoke on Old Orchards of Worcestershire. This proved to be a nostalgic recall of once well-known varieties of apples grown throughout the county and in Herefordshire. It was an enjoyable delve into life of earlier times in our beautiful, fruitful county and Dot expressed our appreciation for Wade's presentation in her vote of thanks.

The competition for a home-baked apple tart was won by Peggy Poulteney, with Pat Kay as runner-up. All the entries in the competition were cut and shared with the members during the tea interval, and were served by Ruth Deakin, Vi Silver and Gladys Lewis.

An outing to Witley Court was proposed for Monday, August 14, and list for those wishing to participate was sent round.