The president, Pearl Prior, welcomed the members including a new member to the July meeting.

After thanking Beattie Denning for the lovely flowers, Pearl was happy to announce to the members that our institute had two tables in Sanders Park - laden with bric-a-brac - on the day of what was to be the last Bromsgrove Carnival. Thanks to the ad hoc selling skills of Pearl and Rea Fowler, aided and abetted by Norma Bojarowski, Janet Longden and Wendy Beddows, the money raised was shared between the Friends of the Princess of Wales Hospital and our institute. Pearl was very grateful for all the hard work done by Rae and Barbara Savage.

Pearl announced that there will be a coffee morning at Dorothy Radford's house on September 7. In all probability, there will be another walking group starting on September 14.

Dympna Moore, sitting in for Dorothy Radford, gave the secretary's report drawing our attention to the autumn conference and the carol concert at Kidderminster among other things. Barbara Savage spoke about the Christmas outing to Cheltenham on November 23.

Finally, our speaker - the ebullient Paul McGuire - gave the members an entertaining account of when he was a Butlins Redcoat. Barbara Savage gave the vote of thanks and Beattie Denning was the winner of the competition - an illustration of happy campers. Our next meeting will be the outing to Ironbridge on August 9.