MARY Davies welcomed members to the July meeting.

Mary told members that an osteoporosis screening would take place on September 19 at Hallow village hall.

The cost would be £40. This was available to any members who wanted to attend this facility. WI House needs to be contacted for appointment times.

Betty Pickering gave a full report on the WI AGM at Cardiff. She advised that this report was also on the website.

Steve Brooks would be the speaker at South Bromsgrove High School on October 24. Steve was a radio broadcaster on gardening and had written for the gardening press. The closing date for applications is September 14 and the cost is £3.50. Members were invited to an inter faith visit to St Leonard's at Beoley village church on October 3 between 10am and 2.45pm.

Crafty Moments are looking for new members to join a regular craft class in Catshill.

There will be an opportunity to make a patchwork bag at Witley village hall on September 25 from 10am to 3pm at a cost of £13.50. WI House is offering a parchment craft session suitable for beginners and advanced. Taking place on September 28, the cost will be £13.50.

The Christmas shopping trip will be to Oxford on December 7. The carol concert will be held at Kidderminster Town Hall on December 1.

Lorna Nicklin gave a report on a very enjoyable day out with the Lickey WI to Trentham Gardens and the Wedgewood factory.

Bob Burton was introduced by Mary Davies. He gave a highly entertaining talk on Bob's old bottles. The competition winner was Mary Davies.