DIGITAL photography was the subject of Chaddesley Corbett Gardeners' Club's July meeting.

Jim Almond gave an excellent presentation on how useful a digital camera can be to gardeners.

Jim is an alpine enthusiast and is also the joint holder, with Kew Gardens, of the national juno iris collection.

He showed many photographs of alpines, irises, other plants and gardens and demonstrated how, using the best angles and lighting, can make a significant difference to each photograph. He even showed us how to use a computer to airbrush unwanted intrusions.

Jim also taught us how to title and store our images methodically on a computer and made it all look very easy.

Our meeting on August 9 will be held in David and Margaret Mills' garden. The visit will be for members only and will start at 7pm.

Meetings are usually held at the village hall, Chaddesley Corbett, at 7.30 for 8pm on the first Wednesday of every month.