STANDARDS at St Joseph's RC Primary School in Malvern are mostly satisfactory or good, according to Ofsted inspectors.

The latest report follows a visit to the Newtown Road school over two days at the end of June.

"Children are given a good start in the reception class, where provision and standards are good," said inspector Lois Furness.

"However, this good start has not been built upon as well as it should be, which has led to underachievement in the past. Strong action by the leadership has resulted in improvement, and achievement is now satisfactory."

The report describes leadership and management as satisfactory.

"The headteacher provides strong leadership and the influence of the subject leaders is developing," it says.

There has also been rapid improvement since staffing difficulties have been solved.

"This, alongside the enthusiasm and commitment of the staff and the clear direction provided by the headteacher, shows the school's good capacity to improve further," says the report.

Pupils' achievements are described as satisfactory and improving.

"A significant number of children exceed the goals expected for their age," says the report. "Pupils' personal development and well-being are good, as is their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. Behaviour is good and pupils have positive attitudes."

However, writing standards, including handwriting, were criticised.

Headteacher Ann-Marie Wallbank said: "We're delighted that the inspection findings strongly supported our own judgments about the school. This is a very happy school and everyone is working together to make it the best possible place for children to achieve the highest standards."