THE full-house July meeting concluded with a superb concert by Stuart Derry, of Cranes Music, Worcester.

The club's next meeting will be on Wednesday, August 2 at 7.30 for 8pm, when the concluding concert will be given by two of the youngest members and stars of the future, Alice Heming and Jonathon Wilson. Having been entertained by them individually on a number of occasions previously, members will be aware they are in for another treat. Tickets from John or Lyn Hearn on 893263.

The Annual Professional Celebrity Concert (now re-named The Ernie Huggins Memorial Concert after the club's founder) has been arranged for Wednesday, November 1 when the organist will be the 2005 British Organ/Keyboard Player Award winner, Tony Stace.

Tickets will be available at the September club evening and from the above contact number. The last concert was a sell-out.