100 Years Ago

July 28, 1906

We would direct the attention of our Bengeworth readers to a paragraph which appears in our Notes and Queries column announcing that a lady who traces her descent from an old Bengeworth family has most kindly offered, at her own expense, to restore the old font (now lying in the base of the tower of the old church) and place it in the present church, if the offer will be accepted by the vicar and churchwardens. No doubt the vicar and churchwardens will do so most gratefully, and it is a source of considerable satisfaction to ourselves that such a happy result should accrue through our Notes and Queries column so soon after its inauguration.

75 Years ago

July 25, 1931

The annual fete in aid of Honeybourne Village Hall Fund took place in the Manor Farm Grounds (kindly lent by Mr. G. Sheaf) on Saturday. The weather for some days previously had been far from ideal, but Saturday seemed to be a day set apart for open-air events of this nature and crowds attended from the village and district. At the opening ceremony Mrs. Bicknell presided, and in introducing Miss Hingley, President of the Worcestershire Federation of Women's Institutes, expressed the gratitude of the Honeybourne Institute that their foremost county representative had managed to attend to open the fete.

50 Years Ago

July 27, 1956

The decision to abandon the original Bewdley-street Redevelopment Scheme because of the high cost of developing the site and the high rents that would have to be charged for new houses, was confirmed by Evesham Town Council when they sat as a housing committee last week. A less costly scheme, making full use of the Bewdley-street and Littleworth-street frontages, is to be prepared by the Borough Surveyor (Mr. J. Hodson) if next week's council meeting agrees. The recommendation that the original scheme should be abandoned was referred back to the housing committee for further consideration by last month's meeting of the council.