IN a valued partnership with the Heritage Lottery Fund, Stourport Town Council has, with the services of a specialist contractor, recently undertaken and completed restoration of the memorial gates at the Park Avenue frontage to the park.

Traditional blacksmith methods have been used to restore the gates to their original condition.

The gates are a memorial to the 135 men of Stourport who lost their lives while serving in the armed forces in the Great War 1914-1918.

Under the same partnership arrangement, other enhancements have also been carried out in the park. However, there has also been a wider partnership which has involved local residents and various local community organisations.

The restoration work and enhancements are the culmination of a great deal of work by many people over a long period.

This letter on behalf of Stourport Town Council is to express the council's gratitude to all those who have contributed in different ways to achieve the restoration of the memorial gates and the other enhancements which have been undertaken.


Mayor of Stourport