SIR - A couple of weeks ago, Worcester suffered its second round of flash flooding in only two years. Someone said to me that he thought Worcester must have its own microclimate - and thinking about the sheer volume of rain that fell and how the 70 homes and businesses suffered, I think he just might be right. When I listened to radio and TV interviews given by people who had been flooded, they invariably said: "The water just poured through my front door and through the air bricks and we just couldn't stop it coming in."

Believe it or not, this type of flooding could be reduced significantly, or even stopped, by putting door boards on your doors and covers over your air bricks. Some of these self- help products have been through vigorous testing and now have a kite mark. Full details of all the flood products we know is available are listed on our web site www.floodforum. I have been flooded my self on many occasions and my heart goes out to all the people who have been flooded recently.

Flood doors are not cheap but perhaps Worcester City Council could consider bulk purchasing some and passing on the discount to every one.

These products are far more efficient than the ineffective sandbag and can cut down the misery and trauma that being flooded brings.

Unfortunately, insurance companies are getting very twitchy over offering flood cover to people whose homes they consider at risk but do look favourably on those who take moves to protect them selves.


Coordinator National Flood Forum,

Chairman of Worcester Action Against Flooding