HARVINGTON SINGERS: The choir's summer concert For the Beauty of the Earth was held in St James' Church last weekend and that beautiful setting on a lovely summer's evening seemed most appropriate, especially during the interval when, as is customary, strawberries and cream and white wine were served out-of-doors. An appreciative audience heard, as part of the programme, Vivaldi's Gloria, in which all the solo parts were sung by members of the choir, thus realising a long-felt ambition of Peter Harrison, the choirmaster. In his thanks at the end of a most successful evening, chairman Richard Sharp paid tribute to Peter for his hard work and commitment and to all the people who had contributed to the singers success over the years. This tribute included Dick and Jess Fairs who had been founder members of the choir in 1998 but who now, reluctantly, were leaving because of increasing health problems. Both of them were presented with gifts as a token of the choir's appreciation and good wishes. Festivities continued the following Tuesday evening, when choir members and their families met at the home of Norah and Michael Clark to hold a party which, as well as being the usual after-production celebration, marked Peter Harrison's 70th birthday -a delightful occasion.

HARVINGTON FIRST SCHOOL: The annual school-leavers' service was held this year in the school hall, the service taking the place of the usual morning service at St James' Church. Many of the regular congregation were present, along with a number of parents and many of the children due to leave when school closes in a fortnight. Music was provided by the Joyful Noisemakers under the leadership of Keith Davis and their enthusiastic playing of the lively hymns and songs was greatly appreciated by all present. The service was conducted by the Rev Richard Thorniley and it included many items by the children.

Seven school mums and two dads raised £300 on the same morning by doing a sponsored run round the village.