TOWARDS the end of last month I gave a piano recital at St Peter's First School, Bromsgrove in aid of Breakthrough Breast Cancer.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who bought tickets and all those who gave donations or helped in any way.

Particular thanks are due to James McGhie, who did a fabulous job as compre for the night, despite being away working right up until a few hours beforehand.

Also Mrs Rollason, headmistress, for making the school hall available; Hiller's Farm Shop, Alcester, who donated cheese; Droitwich Brine Baths, Altered Images, The Clothes Rail, Brush Strokes and Hillers again for raffle prizes and Carl Knowles for printing the tickets.

I was overwhelmed by the level of generosity and support I received. The total amount raised by the evening after expenses was £721.70. Thank you all once again.

Rebekeh Taylor
