100 Years Ago

February 11, 1905

Preparations are making rapid progress for the laying out of a garden on French lines in Bengeworth, and on Monday last the French gardener who is to have charge of the work came into residence in the town. The field, which has been chosen for the experiment, is near the Sanatorium with a slope towards the river, and the work of breaking up the old turf is practically finished. We understand that an order for the supply of a number of small frames has been given. It is also intended to erect a number of greenhouses as has been done in a neighbouring field.

75 Years Ago

February 15, 1930

Rehearsals for "San Toy," which the Evesham Amateur Operatic Society will present at the Scala Theatre from February 25 to March 1, are rapidly nearing completion and only the final polish is needed before the comedy reaches the point which will culminate in its public presentation. The delightful Chinese comedy has never been presented by the Evesham amateurs before and the largest number of players yet staged in one of their productions will appear. The play is full of life and humour and promises to be one of the most lively shows done by the society.

50 Years Ago

February 12, 1955

The most difficult and expensive engineering project so far planned by the Lower Avon Navigation Trust in its programme of work to make the Avon safely navigable again between Evesham and Tewkesbury will be started early in the summer. At a cost of nearly £12,000, Pershore lock and the footings of the old Pershore Bridge will be considerably deepened; and the watergate below Pershore, which modern needs render obsolete, will be abolished. Efforts to raise more funds to pay for the job and to ensure that work may also go ahead on restoring the rest of the navigation, will now be urgently necessary, it was made clear at a meeting of the Trust Council at Evesham.

25 Years Ago

February 14, 1980

The Evesham bypass will not solve the town's traffic problems, the Vale of Evesham Friends of the Earth Society claim this week. In a 12-page booklet "Taking the Low Road," the Friends say there must be a different approach to transport problems in the Vale. They call for better traffic management measures, better public transport and safer cycling instead of the building of a bypass. The report, which is in response to the Midland Road Construction Unit's consultation document on the bypass, emphasises that traffic jams are not the only transport problem in the Vale. The Friends say that Evesham is unusual in having more people living in the surrounding villages than in the town itself.