WE are very dismayed and saddened to think that nothing has been done to make the Westlands roundabout safer for pedestrians to cross.

There are many young families from Westlands who use this route. It is no good councillors viewing this area at mid-morning or mid-day in their 8-5 schedule. They need to stand there between 8am and 9 am and 4.30pm to 6pm to see just how big this problem is, and to try crossing with a young child and pram or with a shopping trolley and walking stick.

My son has had three near misses over the last few months, so he is well aware how dangerous this crossing is.

However, last Wednesday, he still ended up with a black Mercedes' body dust over his trousers and college bag where the car had come at speed around the roundabout and headed south onto the A38.

He was actually in the middle of the road when this car nearly hit him, he was unable to get the number as another car was too close behind him. It was only his college bag that saved him from bodily contact with the car.

Do we have to wait for a fatality on this roundabout for the authorities to 'wake up' and do something?

Another safety problem on the Westlands is that we have no footpath from Paddock and Crofters Way to Shepherds Way unless you like to zig-zag your way through the Westlands estate with an A-Z map at hand, and risk your life walking through unsavoury subways - not nice for lone women and children, especially during winter months.

We look forward to seeing a result in the near future.

Mrs TA Hodgson


Droitwich Spa