There will be a grand auction of goods and promises, hosted jointly by the Rotary Club of Malvern and Joshua Loader Fundraising, in aid of Worcester Acorns Children's Hospice.

This will take place tomorrow (Saturday) at Colwall Village Hall. Viewing from 6.30pm and auction at 7pm. Catalogues £1 from Jeremy Jackson (01684 541075), Joan Loader (540944) or Jane Sutton at John Goodwin Estate Agent (540300).

The parish council annual general meeting is at the village hall on Wednesday (May 3), at 7.30pm.

St James' Church plant sale and coffee morning is in the village hall on Saturday, May 6, from 10am until 12.30pm. Stalls will include plants, cakes, produce, books and a raffle. This is to raise funds towards the cost of church flowers.

A St George's Eve supper was held in the village hall on Saturday, April 22. This was organised by Pauline Veale, with members of the Mothers Union. Sixty-four people enjoyed a traditional steak and kidney pie, with trifle to follow. Entertainment was provided by the Guides, who wrote and performed a play about the life of St George.

Wyche and Colwall Horticultural Society holds its monthly meeting at the village hall on Monday (May 1), at 7.30pm. The speaker for the evening is Timothy Walker on Euphorbias. Mr Walker is Horti Praefactus at Oxford Botanic Garden and curator of the National Collection of Euphorbias

Refreshments will be available from 7pm. Visitors are welcome.