A Cheese and wine party will be held at Dell House, Green Lane, by permission of Ian and Helen Burrage, at 7.30pm on Friday, July 7. Tickets are £6 each.

On Thursday, June 15, Malvern Wells Tea Club is having an all-day trip to Walsall, which includes visiting the art gallery and market. Lunch is at the town hall, after which a visit to Webbs Garden Centre will be made. There are one or two places still available at an approximate cost of £7 per person, depending on numbers.

For details on both of the above events, contact Barbara Savery on 01684 562904.

On May 18 at 7.30pm, Joyce Chalmers, from London, will be showing her method of teaching literacy to adults. This promises to be a most interesting and informative evening. Details from Mike Jackson on 01684 563824.