Upton will be filled with music and dance for the annual folk festival this weekend.

Stalls and entertainment take place on the waterfront, with folk sessions at various venues around town.

There will be morris dance displays tomorrow (Saturday), from 11am to 4pm, with a massed dance at 4pm. A free ceilidh under the bridge, with That Shallot, begins at 4.30pm. The band will also be at the Memorial Hall at 8pm for another ceilidh, where entry is £5.

A festival service takes place at 10.45am on Sunday in the parish church, with a procession of 30 morris sides through the town at noon. There will be morris and Appalachian dance displays from 12.30pm to 4pm and a free ceilidh under the bridge with That Shallot at 4.30pm. There is a ceilidh with Hekety in the Memorial Hall at 8pm. Entry is £6.

The festival concludes on Monday with morris and Appalachian dance displays from 11am to mid-afternoon.

Other festival events include the Upton in Bloom Duck Race at 5pm on Sunday. First prize is £75, second is £40 and third £20. Tickets, priced £1, will be on sale during the festival.

Mercia Inshore Search and Rescue is holding a cuddly toy tombola as part of the festivities on Monday.