Frank Hare's comments (Your Letters, April 14) are misleading. West Midlands Arts supported the ESO over many years but core funding ceased in 1999 due to concerns over the ESO's management, finances and artistic quality. Since 2002, Arts Council England has funded substantial debt mitigation for the orchestra as well as project funding in 2005 for its Alive & Kicking series. We were and remain open to funding applications from the orchestra, however we cannot mitigate the orchestra's debt a second time around.

The Arts Council continues to make a substantial investment of nearly £3m annually in classical music for the West Midlands via the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Manchester Camerata, Orchestra of the Swan, Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, Birmingham Opera Company, Three Choirs Festival and many others.

The ESO and William Boughton have made a significant contribution to the region's musical infrastructure and we are saddened by its potential loss. However, we respect the decision of the current board and management of the organisation to take the correct course of action as they are best placed to do so.

Andrew Miller, music officer, Arts Council England West Midlands.