ROAD changes to cope with the North Site development could spell the end for three Malvern Link businesses.

That is the opinion of Graham Perkins, of Link Antiques, on Worcester Road.

A proposal to widen the road and install new traffic lights, creating a filter turning into Lower Howsell Road, was on the agenda at a special planning meeting last night (Thursday).

The outline application by Persimmon Homes, for at least 390 new houses on the former defence base was also due to be decided at the meeting.

A traffic increase is expected if the development goes ahead.

But Mr Perkins feels the road alterations would make business impossible for his shop, along with neighbouring York Cafe and Auto-Parts (Malvern.)

Link Antiques receives up to eight lorry deliveries a day and also operates a van that needs frequent loading and unloading.

"This will take all the on-road parking away and how am I going to load and unload? The nearest loading facility will be 400 yards away," said Mr Perkins.

"They say the extra traffic will cause congestion here, but it's complete over-development and the three of us here simply won't have a business."

Roger Parker, who owns Auto- Parts (Malvern), does not feel as strongly, but would like to see some on-road parking for large deliveries.

"They're widening the road on the other side, so the one scenario would be to cut a small lay-by into the pavement outside our shops," he said.

"If we could have just six or seven spaces between the three stores that would be ideal."