WELSH Water says no further housing schemes should take place in Bromyard until 2010 . . . because the sewerage system cannot cope.

However, Herefordshire Council has already approved around 30 more developments in the area and residents are worried the sewerage problems may affect their homes.

Alison Stobart lives in Linton Lane, Bromyard, and her house has been flooded with raw sewage several times.

"The system repeatedly back-flowed into my garden, depositing raw sewage around the drain a few feet from my back door five times in less than a month," she said. "This must constitute a health hazard."

After contacting Welsh Water, she was told about the sewerage system's limitations.

In a letter Welsh Water said there was no investment in place to upgrade the sewerage system until after 2010 and they were advising Herefordshire Council to oppose any further developments.

"It would appear that the system is woefully inadequate and unable to cope with the demands on it," said Mrs Stobart.

Bromyard Town Council shares this concern.

Town clerk Mike Cresswell said: "The town council have been concerned about the number of houses being built in the Bromyard area for some time and have written to Welsh Water expressing this.

"But we have always been told that there is adequate facilities to cope with additional connection.

"The town council are very anxious about this situation and have asked that they be kept updated on any progress."

Mark Tansey, from Herefordshire Council, said Welsh Water had not informed it of its worries about the demand on the sewerage system.

A spokesperson for Welsh Water said: "We will raise an objection if we consider that a development will have an adverse impact, so that we can ensure that existing risks of sewage flooding to properties are not exacerbated."