A WEST Malvern resident is planning legal action against the Gov-ernment about jets flying over the town.

Eoin McCarthy, of Ebrington Road, decided to take action after a military exercise over several days earlier this month.

During Exercise Fast Mover, jets from the Royal Air Force and United States Air Force flew over the hills repeatedly during daylight hours.

He called the exercise "only the latest and most extreme example of persistent aerial noise pollution".

"Those of us who have contacted the MoD on the matter over recent months are frustrated with being fobbed off with anodyne and standard letters," he said.

He said the MoD fails "to acknowledge the loss of earnings, suffering and damage being caused to life and livelihood in this AONB".

He wants to hear from anyone else who feels aggrieved by the noise and is planning a meeting to consider what action to take.

He wants to seek damages for the disturbances in early April and try to stop it happening again.

Among the possibilities is launching a no-win, no-fee class action against the Ministry of Defence.

Anyone interested can call him on 01684 891566.