A LOCAL musician in remission from a debilitating medical condition has made a fundraising CD to help other sufferers.

Kimbra Johnson, from Clevelode, was first diagnosed with reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD), a painful neurological condition, three years ago.

"Most people are ignorant of how much physical and mental suffering this condition causes," she said.

Mrs Johnson completely lost the use of her arm, forcing her to give up work and leaving her suffering from depression.

However, she was helped by the support she received from the charity RSD UK.

"This is a very small charity that needs all the help they can get," she said. "They were there for me when I first got RSD and I can never thank them enough for that."

Mrs Johson, sings and plays flute and tin whistle on the CD, called After the Storm.

The music has a very Celtic feel and includes two cover versions of Dougie Maclean songs, the folk musician who wrote the sound track to Last of the Mohicans.

First Paige, Malvern, printed the CD covers for free and Straker Studios, Worcester, donated a lot of studio time to the project.

After the Storm, is available at £9.99 from Aquarius in Malvern, The Kettle Sings teashop on Jubilee Drive, Upper Colwall, and at this weekend's Upton Folk Festival.