PARISH councillors could soon have the authority to issue fixed penalty notices for littering, graffiti and flyposting.

They could also use a range of dog control orders, including issuing fines for fouling, prosecuting people who fail to pay their fines and even banning dogs.

Colwall Parish Council discussed the new proposals at its meeting on Wednesday and decided to apply to Defra for more information.

Coun Phil Browning jokingly referred to the new legislation as "Dogbos", the canine equivalent of Asbos, but all agreed that Colwall has a problem with dog fouling.

Coun Will Leaper said the council received an incredible number of complaints about dog fouling.

"We spend a lot of time talking about it," he said.

"Sometimes these community-led initiatives do have an effect and can be a very positive thing."

Colwall is also having a problem with anti-social behaviour in the form of graffiti. The symbol with two large number threes with a small number two between them has appeared on road signs and walls throughout Colwall and Malvern.

However, the culprit has been caught on CCTV and could soon be identified.

The parish council is trying to address anti-social behaviour by providing activities for youngsters. Its next initiative is Dancefest on Saturday, May 13, in the main hall at The Downs School.

The workshop includes a warm-up, body awareness exercises and choreographing learning and routines.

Workshops run from 11am to 1pm for ten to 13 year olds and 2pm to 4pm for 14 years and over. The cost is £5 per student. To book, call 01684 541995.