ST JAMES' CHURCH: St James' Church was the scene of a well-attended morning service led on Mothering Sunday by the Rev Fran Battin, who took great pleasure in welcoming many parents and children. Prayers, readings and an appropriate song were presented by the children who then collected posies of spring flowers from the altar, delivering them to their mothers and, after that, to all other female members of the congregation. It was a happy occasion which ended with the usual refreshments round the font and congratulations and praise for the children's efforts. An announcement had earlier been made that the annual meeting will take place in the church on Sunday evening (following Evensong, which is at 6.30pm) and all members and others who are interested in the church's aims and future activities are invited. The invitation was underlined by some words from Jess Fairs, who spoke as the person responsible for keeping the electoral roll up to date, about the importance of becoming a committed member of the church, and expressing willingness to be counted as such by formal enrolment. Anyone interested in learning more about this should contact Mrs Fairs on 871228.

HALL APPEAL: John Redman, chairman of the village hall committee, was disappointed by the response to the concert on Sunday, March 19, which meant that the profit margin was not as high as it could have been. He spoke highly of the entertainment provided by the Geoff Castle Trio and said how well they had been received by an enthusiastic audience who clearly enjoyed the cabaret atmosphere created in the hall. He urged residents to show maximum support for fund-raising efforts which will, in time, make a new village hall possible. Another evening is planned on Sunday, April 30 when the Carnival Band will present a musical tour called Around the World in 80 Tunes. Tickets are priced at £8 (£6 concessions) and, as on previous occasions, patrons are invited to bring their own wine to help the party atmosphere. If getting to and from the hall is a problem, contact John Redman on 870255 and he will make every effort to arrange transport.

GARDEN CLUB: The club met in the Baptist Church. Despite a minor incident which meant that the speaker's slides were split onto the floor, creating an upside-down effect on screen in many instances, his talk about roses and his pictures was enjoyed by a receptive and good-humoured audience. The prize for the most attractive flower arrangement in yellow was awarded by him to Maureen Lee. A member of the team organising the marquee at the church fete in June spoke about the planned arrangements and asked for the club's support in making the marquee a success by being willing to take part in the competitions. There are to be 36 categories open for entry and the necessary information and application forms will be distributed throughout the village in April.