DELICE welcomed members using the village hall's new sound system.

Our speaker David Langley played the piano for our singing of Jerusalem.

Miriam was away so Jenny Cox our vice-secretary read the minutes of the last meeting.

Delice and Miriam, who had been to the group presidents and secretaries meeting, reported it had been a lively meeting and told us about the events the other WIs were planning and to which we had been invited.

Jenny reported skittles was going well and we only had one more match to play. Delice suggested a Sunday lunch for single ladies perhaps once a month and volunteered to organised the first one.

The next meeting will be the Resolutions, to be followed by a Beetle drive. The competition will be a Spring Flower Arrangement and we are hoping to have a fair trade stall.

Delice then introduced Mr Langley with his magic lantern show.

He has a very large collection of glass slides some going back to the mid 19th century, when limelight was invented.

He showed a variety of subjects and styles, it was a social history and many were quite sad, but others funny. He was thanked for showing us this unusual and forgotten art form.

The compeition A Pretty Tea Cup and Saucer was won by Judy Smith and the raffle by Gill Blackband.