SCHOOLS in Redditch and Alcester were forced to close yesterday when public sector workers went on strike.

Dinner ladies and school supervisors joined refuse collectors, library and social services staff to protest at proposed changes to their pension scheme.

The schools that closed all day included Batchley First, Holyoakes Field First and Dingleside Middle in Redditch. Those partially closed included Arrow Vale High and Trinity High in Redditch and Studley Infant School's nursery section.

Dingleside headteacher Paul Lifford said his 185- pupil school had to close yesterday for safety reasons.

"We have a duty of care to our pupils. Fourteen staff took strike action and made it impossible to properly supervise them. They included first aiders, administrative staff and lunchtime supervision," he said.

Worcestershire and Warwickshire county councils and district councils put contingency plans in place to minimise disruption and negotiated exemptions with union bosses where staff worked in emergency situations.

Picket lines were outside buildings throughout both counties, protesting against Government plans to scrap a rule that allows some workers to take full pensions at 60. Paul Bolton, branch secretary of the Community Youth Workers Union, said: "We are determined to protect our pension rights."