ABERYSTWYTH University celebrated their Ultimate team's 10th anniversary with an Ultimate frisbee indoor tournament and Lords of the Ring from Malvern sent a mixed team to the event.

Over the weekend they played against various teams including Bangor and Chump Around (from Warwick University) as well as local teams from Aberystwyth's University Mwnci See. During the course of the tournament the team broke one of the club's own records and remained unbeaten in seven matches.

In all, the team won eight out of 10 matches, losing to only one team Duracell and finished in second place.

The team currently train indoors on Thursday evenings at the sports hall Bishop Perowne School in Worcester from 7.30pm for two hours. From next week (March 28), they will also be training outdoors on Tuesday from 6pm onwards.

For further details visit www.malvernultimate.com or email secretary@malvernultimate.com.